AWS Storage and Data Management

Description Amazon Web Services offers solutions that are ideal for managing data on a sliding scale—from small businesses to big data applications. This course teaches system administrators the intermediate-level skills they need to successfully manage data by creating backups, enforcing compliance requirements, and managing the disaster recovery process. Instructor Brandon Rich shows how to configure […]


Amazon Web Services offers solutions that are ideal for managing data on a sliding scale—from small businesses to big data applications. This course teaches system administrators the intermediate-level skills they need to successfully manage data by creating backups, enforcing compliance requirements, and managing the disaster recovery process. Instructor Brandon Rich shows how to configure object storage solutions and lifecycle management in Simple Storage Service (S3), and migrate, back up, and replicate relational data in RDS. Find out how to leverage flexible network storage with Elastic File System (EFS), and use AWS Glue to move and transform data. Plus, learn how Snowball can help you transfer truckloads of data in and out of the cloud.

AWS Storage and Data Management

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