Docker for Python Django Developers

Description This course is for Django Developers who want to master Docker and Containerize their projects and all those students who have completed my Django for python developers course. Docker is an open-source tool to package your applications and everything they need as containers.You can then use these containers on your laptop , in testing, stage […]


This course is for Django Developers who want to master Docker and Containerize their projects and all those students who have completed my Django for python developers course. Docker is an open-source tool to package your applications and everything they need as containers.You can then use these containers on your laptop , in testing, stage and all the way to production which could be on the cloud or servers with in your organization . From this course you will

  • Learn how to launch AWS EC2 Linux Instances to install docker later on
  • Learn some basic linux commands that you need to work with docker
  • Install Docker on a Linux Instance
  • Understand Docker Architecture and Workflow
  • Master various docker commands
  • Learn how docker layering works
  • Create Docker Volumes and Mounts and know the difference
  • Add and Remove Containers to a docker network
  • Create a Docker File ,use it to build a image and launch a container
  • Install Docker Desktop to work with docker locally on your machine
  • Use visual studio code with its docker plugin to create and edit docker files
  • Create a simple Django Web Application
  • Dockerize the Django Project
  • Learn docker compose and how to create a docker compose yaml files
  • Launch the Django application container using docker compose
  • Create a Dynamic Django Web Application that uses postgres database
  • Dockerize the project and launch multiple containers using docker compose

Who this course is for:

  • Students with knowledge of Django and wants to master Docker
  • Students who have completed my Django For Python Developers Course

Docker for Python Django Developers

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