Improving Your Mental Health at Work

Employee mental health is a hot topic of discussion in today’s workplace. This course, led by psychologist Karen Doll, discusses the importance of mental health awareness in the work environment. Karen details science-backed stress management techniques that are accessible and practical, like regulating one’s inner state and energy. She guides you as you elevate your […]

Employee mental health is a hot topic of discussion in today’s workplace. This course, led by psychologist Karen Doll, discusses the importance of mental health awareness in the work environment. Karen details science-backed stress management techniques that are accessible and practical, like regulating one’s inner state and energy. She guides you as you elevate your mental model by incorporating healthy thinking, emotional literacy, and self-compassion practices. Learn methods to build resilience, developing a flow state, starting a “personal book of awesome,” seeking gratitude and service, and nurturing connections. She’ll teach you how to effectively foster your focus and highlight the importance of setting boundaries. After this course, you’ll be equipped to tend to your own mental health, encourage your colleagues to do the same, and provide your workplace with the tools needed to improve employee mental health.

Improving Your Mental Health at Work

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