Intermediate SQL: Data Reporting and Analysis

Description If you’re already familiar with the fundamentals of SQL covered in our introductory course on SQL: Data Reporting and Analysis, you may be interested in taking your skills to the next level and learning a few more new tricks of the trade. Join data consultant Emma Saunders in this hands-on, practical follow-up, designed specifically to […]


If you’re already familiar with the fundamentals of SQL covered in our introductory course on SQL: Data Reporting and Analysis, you may be interested in taking your skills to the next level and learning a few more new tricks of the trade. Join data consultant Emma Saunders in this hands-on, practical follow-up, designed specifically to help you grow beyond the basics so you can start writing more complex queries to change data in the database instead of just reporting it.

Expand your SQL toolbox, including how to query data in real time for reporting, editing, inserting, and deleting. Learn new date, number, and string functions to manipulate data as you retrieve it. Along the way, test out your technical know-how with the coding challenges and quizzes at the end of each section.

Intermediate SQL: Data Reporting and Analysis

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