JavaScript Fundamentals

JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language, and in many ways it is also one of the most approachable. This course will teach you the core JavaScript concepts that you need to begin creating your own JavaScript projects. JavaScript has matured into a powerful and ubiquitous programming language that can be used in most […]

JavaScript is the world’s most popular programming language, and in many ways it is also one of the most approachable. This course will teach you the core JavaScript concepts that you need to begin creating your own JavaScript projects.

JavaScript has matured into a powerful and ubiquitous programming language that can be used in most every type of challenge you will encounter. In this course, JavaScript Fundamentals, you’ll learn to write your own software with JavaScript. First, you’ll explore JavaScript syntax and its native data types. Next, you’ll discover how to leverage collections and loops within the language. Finally, you’ll learn how to utilize asynchronous programming concepts and organize your project using modules. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of JavaScript needed to build your own JavaScript programs.

JavaScript Fundamentals

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