Professional Modern JavaScript – NEW for 2023

Description I’ve been teaching junior as well as expert developers JavaScript for over 15 years and have gathered a few tricks to make it an easy and smooth learning experience. I share those experiences with you. You can feel confident about what JavaScript offers You become a competent JavaScript developer A lot of effort has gone […]


I’ve been teaching junior as well as expert developers JavaScript for over 15 years and have gathered a few tricks to make it an easy and smooth learning experience. I share those experiences with you.

  • You can feel confident about what JavaScript offers
  • You become a competent JavaScript developer

A lot of effort has gone into this course to make sure you get all the knowledge you need as quickly as possible.

Why JavaScript

JavaScript is quickly becoming the most popular programming language in use today. The rise of the internet means that it is an ideal programming language that you can use to solve any coding challenge on any device.

JavaScript has undergone significant evolution since it was created over 3 decades ago. This course is designed to teach you modern JavaScript without having to go through the suffering of following the language and going from a toy to something amazing.

Why this course

I’m a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for JavaScript/TypeScript thanks to my teaching contributions in the form of books, various videos and answers on StackOverflow.

A key objective is to present the information that allows you to safely, easily and enjoyable use JavaScript without boring you with portions of JavaScript that no one uses in quality production code.

Who this course is for:

  • Programmers looking to master JavaScript


  • Beginner programming knowledge

Professional Modern JavaScript – NEW for 2023

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