Using MongoDB with Node.js

Description MongoDB is a popular document model database for building performant, agile, and scalable applications, and it can be used with other tools and environments. This course introduces you to using Node.js with MongoDB. Explore MongoDB Node.js client libraries and how to connect to MongoDB in Node.js applications. Learn how to perform CRUD operations in […]


MongoDB is a popular document model database for building performant, agile, and scalable applications, and it can be used with other tools and environments. This course introduces you to using Node.js with MongoDB. Explore MongoDB Node.js client libraries and how to connect to MongoDB in Node.js applications. Learn how to perform CRUD operations in Node.js, including querying a MongoDB collection, updating and deleting documents, creating transactions, and more. Plus, discover how to build and use a MongoDB aggregation pipeline in Node.js applications.

Released 4/2023

Using MongoDB with Node.js

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